Release 0.3

Sukhbeer Dhillon
2 min readDec 6, 2019

All about my introduction to the Telescope

The open source community at Seneca is slowly becoming dearer to me. Its because I am a part of it now and feel belonged.

This blog has been long overdue. Even though I was contributing to Open Source, I hadn’t updated my readers as to my progress.

In my last co-op I heard my team talk a lot about pipelines and deployments. I had an abstract idea of what that meant, but only realized it in full with my work for Telescope. The idea of Continuous Integration (CI) is that each piece of code that is added to the codebase should be checked in a central place, preferably a remote OS virtual environment. This is where service providers come in like CircleCI, TravisCi and the latest in the game, Github Actions.

This is the first issue I started working on to have our app run integration through Github Actions. Setting it up wasn’t that difficult, as Github has amazing documentation for it and there’s a lot of community help already available even though this came out of beta only this year (launched last year). Also, I wasn’t doing anything fancy, only the following steps:

  1. Checkout the code from git
  2. Run docker image of redis
  3. Run basic npm commands: npm ci, npm run eslint and npm run jest

Here is the pull request I submitted.

Unfortunately, Seneca-Cdot’s repository aren’t currently supported with Github Actions, even though it is Telescope is public and GH Actions is free for public repositories. So this issue was closed. 😢

This couldn’t deter me. I got working on CircleCI. And I got it up and running without a lot of issues. I didn’t have to go through a lot of nit-picking as my other classmates had to go through. Here is the successfully merged PR for CircleCI.

I wanted to replicate the same success for the openclimatefix project that I worked on in the last release. I remembered that they wanted something similar. So for my external PR, I added Github Actions for them, which I already knew how to do, because of the above failure.

OMG!! Failures lead to success 😇 True story y’all.

